Well, it's been a year since I posted last. I can't believe how fast that has gone!
In that year I became a member of, "The Royal Photographic Society," where I had the chance to go for my Licentiateship Distinction.
I never realised that working on a panel of 10 images would be such hard work! I mean, after all, I have millions of pictures on my computer surely it's going to be easy?!
Having to make all 10 coherent was more difficult than I had imagined! I felt I would never be able to do it!
I lost a lot of sleep over that and I was so nervous about the whole process, I decided to knit my Grandson a cardigan. I know, that sounds strange, but, because it was a fairly complex pattern I had to concentrate so hard, that it helped to take my mind off my panel :o)
My panel was judged on July 7th and I passed! Yay! I am now officially know as Alison Greenwood LRPS :o)
I hope you like my panel as much as the judges at, "The Royal Photographic Society," did.

Following that, our local Photographic Society had it's annual Photoshow. I entered, of course, with a number of images and gained 1st place, in Slides, People & Portraits category, with "Once Upon a Time"

2nd place, in Slides, People & Portraits Category, with "Radiant"

3rd place, in Slides, People & Portraits Category, with "Fill the Frame"

and 2nd place, in Prints, People & Portraits Category, with "Blow Dry"

And finally, at the end of August, we went to visit my family. Taking the cardigan I knitted for my Grandson with me, I managed to get a picture of him wearing it ... yay! Of all the things to get him to say, to get a natural smile out of him, his Daddy told him to say, "Aubergine," lol. Too funny!
He's such a sweetie.

Until next time ...